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Utilizing Technology to Build a Scalable, Online Legal Practice

08 Aug , 2024

To register for the upcoming live webinar, please Click Here

90% of legal services will be delivered online by 2030. Don’t get left behind as the industry goes through rapid shifts. Client expectations have changed, and legal consumers have become accustomed to having virtual meetings, paying bills online, and interacting with service providers via client portals on their smartphones. 

In this session, you will gain practical instruction on how to use legal technology to collaborate with your clients on their matters online while still providing personalized, empathetic, and ethical services, understand how online legal practice billing models differ, see real-world examples of firms that have built digital-first practices that their clients love, and develop a plan for practical ways to significantly scale your law firm, improve your profit margins, and optimize the client experience.


To register for the upcoming live webinar, please Click Here

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