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Sharpening the Five Senses through 'Sense Memory' for Rich & Layered Storytelling in the Courtroom – Part 2

23 Oct , 2024

To register for the upcoming live webinar, please Click Here

To be captivating storytellers, we need to learn to use the five senses when telling our client’s story. The five senses are taste, touch, smell, sight, and hearing. This is how we take in and perceive the world around us. Today, our senses are not as honed as that of our earlier ancestors. After all, they were hunters and gatherers who had to learn how to survive extreme outdoor conditions with carnivorous predators lurking everywhere. One false step and they would be the main entree for a four-legged predator. 

This presentation will give you two practical exercises for reconnecting with your five senses, resensitizing them, and then rediscovering the beauty of the world around you through a narrower and more focused lens. This will help you to tell your client's story with detail, clarity of thought, and "cliff-hanging" suspense in order to win the minds and hearts of the jury.


To register for the upcoming live webinar, please Click Here

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