Exciting new series on “Voice, Body and Movement for Lawyers – How to connect with the jury and find Justice Through Dramatic Technique!”

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Immigration Options for Foreign Nationals who are Extraordinary, Outstanding and in the National Interest.

11 Jan , 2022

To register for the upcoming live webinar, please Click Here

This program will discuss various immigration options for foreign nationals at the top of their fields or who are working in fields in the national interest of the U.S. It will cover the requirements for nonimmigrant and immigrant visa options for aliens of extraordinary ability. The program also will review green card options for foreign nationals with advanced degrees or exceptional ability in the U.S. national interest, and options for immigration self-sponsorship.

The presentation will present an in-depth discussion into the legal and documentary requirements for these visa categories and strategies for successful petitions.


To register for the upcoming live webinar, please Click Here

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