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Cross Examination of Adverse Expert Witness in Tort Cases – The Basics Plus!

08 Apr , 2025

To register for the upcoming live webinar, please Click Here

The panelists are experienced trial lawyers who will discuss the basics of cross-examination of opposing experts emphasizing the critical points that any examiner must follow to be effective. Often cross-examination is not successful because the examiner stays from the basic principles and gets mired down in an exam with the court or jury lost in the distracted examination. It is important for the lawyer to stay on course and follow the essential principles to be effective. Our panelists will outline how you can accomplish this in your examination. The program is geared to anyone who wants to learn how to conduct a cross-examination in a professional and effective manner. It is a good “refresher” for any lawyer doing work in civil litigation.

To register for the upcoming live webinar, please Click Here

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