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Comparing AA and SMART Recovery: Two Very Different Approaches to Addressing Addictive Problems

14 May , 2025

To register for the upcoming live webinar, please check back later.

Attorneys benefit from knowing about how addictive problems present in themselves and others, and about how these problems can be addressed. Although AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) is very well known throughout the US, other very different approaches to addressing addictive problems exist. In many cases these alternatives appear to be equally effective to AA. The dominance of AA has minimized awareness of these alternatives. 

This presentation will focus on the differences between SMART Recovery, the leading alternative mutual help group, and AA. SMART is substantially smaller than AA, but sufficiently available (in person or online) for anyone motivated to attend. Many who might prefer SMART and its self-empowering approach (which contrasts substantially with AA’s powerlessness approach) are not aware SMART exists. The presentation will review the evidence about the effectiveness of AA and SMART, and their differences (and similarities). A final section will overview appeals court rulings which begin in the 1990’s and prohibit the government from requiring AA attendance specifically (although mutual help group attendance may be required). AA has been deemed religious enough that government mandated attendance violates the First Amendment. 

Learning objectives are to:

1. recall two fundamental differences between AA and SMART

2. recall that AA and SMART appear to be equally effective

3. recall that there are numerous appeals courts decisions prohibiting government mandated AA attendance.


To register for the upcoming live webinar, please check back later.

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