A Close Look at Two Techniques to Trim Trial Time: Trial Admissions and Time Clocks

15 Oct , 2024

To register for the upcoming live webinar, please check back later.

Attorneys will learn from an experienced trial judge the details on how to win at trial by hammering at a theme instead of slogging through mountains of needless evidence to establish ultimately undisputed points. Most of today’s trials are taken up with the authentication of exhibits establishing undisputed points, testimony about matters of background that bore instead of enlighten, meritless motions, and obtuse objections. This program will help lawyers push the detritus of contemporary courtroom proceedings aside to focus trials on the drama inside most cases—hurtful crimes, broken promises, predatory practices, stolen secrets, foolishly inflicted injuries, and frivolous claims for all of the above. It will focus on detailed explanations and examples of how to craft and serve specialized trial admissions establishing the undisputed—the contents of key communications, financial records, ownership documents along with the undisputed aspects of witness qualifications, circumstances surrounding events, and more. It will also urge the effectiveness of time clocks during trial as a focusing technique. Attorneys will see what clocks to use, how they are employed, and how they help winning lawyers win.

To register for the upcoming live webinar, please check back later.

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