Exciting new series on “Voice, Body and Movement for Lawyers – How to connect with the jury and find Justice Through Dramatic Technique!”
Click here to find out moreThis CLE will discuss the critical issues relating to the use of social media and legal ethics. The program will explore the ABA Ethics Opinions and Model Rules that relate to the use of social media and provide tips for how to use these tools and platforms effectively in your practice and avoid misuse or ethics violations. While social media is a useful tool, lawyers must understand the benefits, risks, and ethical implications associated with its use as part of their ongoing duty of technological competence. This involves an understanding of Rules 1.4 (lawyer communications), 1.1 (lawyer competence), 7.1 and 7.3 (lawyer solicitation and advertising), 3.6 (trial publicity), and 1.6 (client confidentiality).
Designed for beginning estate planning attorneys, this comprehensive course provides a practical fou...
This course provides attorneys with a practical overview of probate and administration proceedings i...
Dive into the world of ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) and uncover the hidden litigation...
Be prepared for any crisis with a solid communication strategy. Learn how to manage crisis communica...
Are you a new lawyer and trial preparation seems overwhelming? With these practical trial preparatio...
Many lawyers may not fully understand the Bar rules and ethical considerations regarding client repr...
If there is one word we heard during our journey through the pandemic and continue to hear more than...
From Stress to Strength: Cultivating Resilience in the Legal Profession explores practical strategie...
Feeling vulnerable when it comes to staying on top of the latest scams and schemes? You're not alone...
A noncitizen’s legal status can present thorny issues you should consider in pursuing your cli...