Exciting new series on “Voice, Body and Movement for Lawyers – How to connect with the jury and find Justice Through Dramatic Technique!”
Click here to find out moreTrauma is pervasive in our society as 1/3 of Americans will experience a severe trauma at some point. Indeed, lawyers are often serving clients at some of the darkest times of the clients’ lives due to traumatic events. Yet, until recently, our profession has not emphasized the necessary “soft skills” to be a successful attorney, including mindful communication, empathy, connection and even our own self-care.
Attend this program and explore best practices to curb the negative effects of trauma within the legal profession. This program will examine how unresolved primary trauma, as well as vicarious trauma, can hinder an attorney’s ability to effectively manage and cope with stress, which can have dire impacts on our professional responsibilities and health. Discover how to bolster awareness of trauma and how it can present so that you can strengthen connections with your clients, while also creating environments that support your mental health and overall well-being.
Lawyers of all ages and experience levels will benefit from this program.
You will also learn how: