Workplace Accommodations for Nursing Mothers and Pregnant Employees: Federal and State Requirements

01 May , 2024

To register for the upcoming live webinar, please Click Here

This webinar will guide attorneys on two landmark federal civil rights legislation for nursing mothers and pregnant employees in the workplace: the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PWFA) and the Providing Urgent Maternal Protections for Nursing Mothers Act (PUMP Act). 

Presenter Scott Hetrick will highlight issues relating to these federal mandates, provide an update on the interplay of these statutes with selected comparable state laws, and offer practical advice for PWFA and PUMP Act compliance in the modern workplace. 

The presentation will cover these and other key issues: 

What steps should employer’s counsel take to ensure business compliance with the PWFA and PUMP Act? 

What issues have not been resolved or remain ambiguous as counsel offers advice to clients for purposes of the PWFA and PUMP Act? 

What is the best practices advice for employers when navigating these laws to steer clear of costly pregnancy-related lawsuits?


To register for the upcoming live webinar, please Click Here

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