Introduction to International Commercial Arbitration

12 Sep , 2024

To register for the upcoming live webinar, please Click Here

International commercial arbitration allows parties from different national backgrounds to, by consent, resolve their transnational business disputes through arbitrators rather than national courts. The decision of those arbitrators will generally be binding upon the parties to the dispute. Although the process can be similar to U.S. court litigation, this forum presents several additional tools for use and factors to be considered.

This program provides practicing lawyers with a foundation in international commercial arbitration. It starts with the basic principles of and general framework for international commercial arbitration, including an overview of the New York Convention. It then turns to the procedural rules and phases of an international commercial arbitration proceeding that practitioners encounter once a dispute has arisen. Finally, the program briefly addresses and distinguishes investor-state arbitration and international mediation generally.


To register for the upcoming live webinar, please Click Here

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