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Generative AI and the Future of Creativity: A New Copyright Landscape

17 Jan , 2024

To register for the upcoming live webinar, please Click Here

Generative AI platforms can create diverse content, such as marketing materials, translations, and source code. However, they also raise various legal issues, such as who owns the output, whether it infringes on existing works, and whether it is eligible for protection. As generative AI becomes more widespread and used by employees in different industries, companies need to be careful about how they adopt and use these platforms, especially how they handle the output and integrate it with other information. 

This program, by Emily Tait and Carl Kukkonen, will discuss the legal challenges of using generative AI, and the potential impact of the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling in Warhol Foundation v. Goldsmith.


To register for the upcoming live webinar, please Click Here

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