Exciting new series on “Voice, Body and Movement for Lawyers – How to connect with the jury and find Justice Through Dramatic Technique!”
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Attorneys often represent trauma victims of abuse, crime or other adversity. Lawyers, staff and judges alike may be at high risk of developing compassion fatigue as they are exposed to emotionally charged stories and situations, as well as gruesome and disturbing evidence. Symptoms of vicarious trauma include burnout, PTSD, irritability, difficulties with sleep and concentration, as well as diminished pleasure and interest in activities.
Join Cindy Sharp and Becky Howlett for this timely educational webinar as they explore secondary trauma in the legal field. Case studies of legal professionals who have experienced the adverse effects of vicarious trauma are included. Certified Meditation Instructor and Attorney Becky Howlett will teach and lead mindfulness practices throughout this session.
Attendees will learn:
Ø Analysis of MRPC 1.1 – Competence
Ø MRPC 1.3 – Diligence
Ø MRPC 1.4 – Communication
Ø MRPC 8.4 -Misconduct