Exciting new series on “Voice, Body and Movement for Lawyers – How to connect with the jury and find Justice Through Dramatic Technique!”
Click here to find out moreCould your clients to be on the hook for significant debt for which they did not agree to be held liable? If your clients are transitioning their loved ones to long-term care or rehabilitation facilities, they likely already know that the national annual median cost of care for a private room in a nursing home is over six-figures. To protect those clients from future liabilities, attorneys may advise their clients not to agree to become a financially responsible party for the loved-one’s care. But is that enough? With the increased reliance of filial support laws by our courts, long-term care and rehabilitation facilities are increasingly holding adult children liable for the financial obligations of their indigent parents, just by virtue of their status as children. Join this training to learn which states have filial support laws, when those laws are triggered, and how attorneys can best advise their clients to avoid future liabilities, as filial support laws gain greater traction as theories of liability.