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Theodore  Grodek, Esq.

Teddy Grodek advises clients on lobbying, campaign finance and gifts and entertainment

issues at the federal, state and local levels. He counsels clients and their employees who are

entering into or returning from holding government office on laws and regulations regarding

conflicts of interest, financial disclosure and divestment, and “revolving door” restrictions. 

Mr. Grodek assists with internal investigations and audits regarding campaign finance and

lobbying compliance and frequently engages with regulators at the federal, state and local 

levels. He also regularly vets outside lobbyists and lobbying firms on behalf of clients, help-

ing to advise on best practices when hiring such consultants. In addition, he helps to estab-

lish corporate PACs, including super PACs, and drafts formation documents and bylaws. He

also analyzes pending legislation covering lobbying, campaign finance, pay-to-play and gifts

and entertainment. 

Mr. Grodek edits the annual edition of the “Lobbying Update on Legislation and Litigation,

United States and Canada” for the Council on Governmental Ethics Laws, an organization of

public agencies that implement campaign finance, ethics and lobby laws in the U.S. and Canada.

He also is co-author of the Practicing Law Institute’s “Corporate Political Activities Deskbook.”

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