Exciting new series on “Voice, Body and Movement for Lawyers – How to connect with the jury and find Justice Through Dramatic Technique!”
Click here to find out moreSusan Letterman White, Esq. consults to law firms, law departments and individual lawyers to help them answer questions such as: how can our firm be more profitable; what is the best way to build our business; or what is the best way to develop our future leaders? Ms. White, who continues to be a member of the Pennsylvania Bar in good standing (as well as the Massachusetts Bar), practiced law for over 20 years and was the managing partner of a Philadelphia law firm before pursuing a Master of Science degree in Organization Development from American University. She can be reached at susanlettermanwhite@gmail.com or 610-331-2539. Her website can be accessed at www.lettermanwhite.com. Her book, Power and Influence for Lawyers: How to Use it to Develop Business and Advance Your Career (West-Thomson Reuters) is available at http://tiny.cc/c6gnn.