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Robert  Linquist, Esq.

Bob Lindquist B. COMM, FCPA, CFE, Director of Forensics at Sequor Law conducts financial investigations incorporating his strong analytical abilities, intuition and knowledge of fraud and corruption gained through his 40 years of domestic and international case experiences. Joe Wells, the Founder of the ACFE, described Bob as “Mr. Forensic Accounting” in the Journal of Accountancy. 

Bob’s extensive case experience includes many high-profile investigations on behalf of corporations and governments in the United States, Antigua, Austria, Brazil, Canada, Grenada, Guatemala, Hong Kong, Ivory Coast, Jamaica, the Netherlands, Malawi, Trinidad, Romania, St. Lucia, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom. These cases include the World Bank, Victims of the Holocaust, Bernie Madoff and IBM. He has obtained courtroom experience through expert witness testimony and attendance with Counsel in trials for both sides on over sixty occasions. Also, Bob is the author of Accounting as an Investigative Aid and co-author of two textbooks on forensic accounting and commercial crime.

Bob was a partner at Price Waterhouse in its Washington, DC office, but after the merger with Coopers in 1998, Bob re-established his own practice which continues today under the name of Lindquist Forensics. 

Bob was recognized for his professional contributions by his election in 1991 as a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Professional Accountants of Ontario and his election to the Board of Regents for the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, based in Austin, Texas. In 1993, he was elected Chairman of the Board.

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