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Click here to find out moreRalph is a Property & Casualty broker who is dedicated to many things; Cyber/Data/Network Liability Insurance is one of them. For the past 7 years Ralph’s been moderating and speaking at dozens of conferences on Cyber Liability & Data Breach Risk Management. Ralph hosts educational seminars on Cyber exposure for associations of all industries including Operational & Intellectual Technology Professionals. Med-tech and Fin-tech Industries are also very prominent in his schedule of advising Cyber / Data Liability coverage. He also works closely with the FBI and US Secret Service on the Atlanta Electronic Crimes Task Force. Ralph is the committee Chairman for the Tech400 annual Cyber Symposium, advisor to the Georgia Tech Research Institute, and also a member of various organizations including the GNFCC, Technology Association of Georgia, Tech400 and several special interest groups. SWIA is also a member of Globix International, providing clients with International Coverage and representation.
Ralph Graduated from Villanova University and is active in the Atlanta alumni chapter. In the evenings he coaches High School Football, and is very active in his community. To learn more about Cyber Liability 101, contact Ralph at Snellings Walters Insurance at RPasquariello@snellingswalters.com