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Peter  Steinmeyer, Esq.

Peter Steinmeyer - When a highly valuable employee moves from one company to another, Pete Steinmeyer is an employer’s first call. Whether losing an employee to a competitor or hiring one away, companies trust Pete to respond at a moment’s notice with practical advice in plain English. Knowing he may only get one shot, he thrives in fast-paced, high-stakes environments while protecting a company’s most valuable data, trade secrets, and customer relationships. Pete diffuses stressful situations with humor and candor to help his clients decide what is truly important before they act. 

Outside of his employee mobility practice, Pete counsels employers on responding to a wide variety of workplace challenges, including discipline and discharge. He also leads investigations of alleged workplace misconduct, such as harassment and retaliation. Through close communication and meticulous analysis of the details, Pete uncovers potential problems early. And when the facts show his client is in the right, he’ll fight to the end to prove it. 

Pete is a thought leader who frequently writes and speaks about employment and workforce mobility issues. A sampling of his recent publications includes: 

  • "Trade Secrets Law 25 Years After PepsiCo Disclosure Case" (coauthor), Law360 (Jan. 2021)
  • “Preparing for Non-Compete Litigation” (coauthor), Thomson Reuters Practical Law (Jan. 2021)
  • “Garden Leave Provisions in Employment Agreements” (coauthor), Thomson Reuters Practical Law (Oct. 2020)
  • “Non-Compete Laws: Illinois” (coauthor), Thomson Reuters Practical Law (Aug. 2020)
  • “Hiring from a Competitor: Practical Tips to Minimize Litigation Risk” (coauthor), Thomson Reuters Practical Law (May 2020)
  • "The Future of Force Majeure in Employment Contracts” (coauthor), Law360 (April 2020)
  • “Trade Secrets Litigation” (coauthor), Thomson Reuters Practical Law (Oct. 2019)
  • “Expert Q&A on Biometrics in the Workplace: Recent Developments and Trends” (coauthor), Thomson Reuters Practical Law (Feb. 2018)
  • “Developing a Plan for Employee Departures in California,” IPWatchdog (June 27, 2017)

He has been quoted in The Wall Street Journal, The National Law Journal, The Chicago Tribune, Law360, and other publications, and is an editor of Epstein Becker Green’s Trade Secrets & Employee Mobility Blog. Pete is also Managing Shareholder of Epstein Becker Green’s Chicago office. In his free time, Pete is an avid golfer constantly in pursuit of his next great shot. He’s also a history buff, a hiker, and a member of the hearing board for the Illinois Attorney Registration & Disciplinary Commission.

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