Exciting new series on “Voice, Body and Movement for Lawyers – How to connect with the jury and find Justice Through Dramatic Technique!”
Click here to find out moreMark is a labor and employment lawyer who handles both union and non-union matters for employers across the country. He counsels human resource professionals and in-house counsel in complying with the myriad federal/state employment laws to provide creative, practical and cost-effective solutions to employment issues and problems.
Mark concentrates in wage-hour law. He has extensive wage-hour experience and has represented more than 200 clients before the United States and many state Departments of Labor on misclassification (i.e., white collar exemptions, independent contractor), working time, child labor and other issues. He is also experienced in defending companies in audits before the U.S. Department of Labor and at the state level.
He has deep experience in construction wage-hour law, where he represents construction contractors and sub-contractors in federal Department of Labor Davis-Bacon cases and audits, Service Contract Act cases and audits, state Department of Labor prevailing wage inspections, audits and debarment proceedings.
Mark publishes the Wage & Hour — Developments & Highlights blog to provide the latest information and his observations on new developments in wage-hour law, such as class actions, exemption/misclassification and working time issues.