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Kat  Hacker, Esq.

Kat Hacker, Esq. is a trial lawyer with significant courtroom experience in high-stakes cases in state and federal court. Kat has spent over 100 days in trial, including trials followed closely by news outlets around the world. Kat has delivered an opening statement with billions of dollars at stake, cross-examined witnesses including one that led to a New York Times headline-grabbing mid-trial discovery, and argued motions and appeals across the country including recently in the New Hampshire Supreme Court. 

Kat has also handled a number of intellectual property cases. For example, Kat second-chaired a patent trial for Amazon about whether Amazon should be liable for patent infringement when third-party sellers offer and sell infringing products on Amazon.com. The jury returned a complete defense verdict that was upheld on appeal. Kat also served as co-lead counsel for Wowza Media Systems in a patent infringement case about video compression. The plaintiff tried to get more than two dozen cases consolidated into multidistrict litigation. Despite Wowza's small size compared to other defendants like Google, Apple, and Netflix, the defendants entrusted the argument in front of the Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation to Wowza's team. After a victory where the Panel refused to consolidate the cases, Wowza settled, escaping the case within just five months of it being filed.

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