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Kacie E. Kergides, Esq.

Kacie E. Kergides is an associate in Montgomery McCracken’s Institutional Response Practice Group as well as its Catastrophic Sports Injury Defense Practice Group. Kacie concentrates her practice on Title IX investigations and advising, institutional response to sex and/or gender-based harassment and misconduct and the adjudication of student, employee and management disputes, and sports injury cases including traumatic brain injury (TBI) litigation. In addition to handling investigations and litigation in both practice areas, Kacie counsels athletes, schools, and sports organizations on sports-related injuries such as concussion and TBI, provides guidance on the management of sport-related injuries and Title IX complaints, and advises these institutions on minimizing and managing risk. 

Kacie has recently presented on recent federal changes to Title IX regulations and the specific role of advisor in the institutional setting. Kacie also has presented on minimizing risk exposure and compliance-related issues at various law schools and undergraduate universities including Villanova School of Law and the University of Michigan, and before various sports organizations, including the Eastern Athletic Trainers’ Association. 

Prior to joining Montgomery McCracken, Kacie was a Legal Extern in the compliance office at the University of Pennsylvania Athletics Department and a Legal Intern for the NBA Coaches Association. During law school, Kacie was a legal fellow to nationally-recognized sports executive Andrew Brandt in the Jeffrey S. Moorad Center for the Study of Sports Law.

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