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Jay L. Hack, Esq.

Jay Hack’s primary practice focus is providing a full range of legal services to banks and other financial institutions. 

His broad-based financial institutions practice addresses a full range of legal needs for banks and other regulated institutions. He has chartered numerous de novo banks and has prepared stock offering materials to satisfy both FDIC and SEC requirements to raise capital in public and private offerings for both new and seasoned companies. He regularly assists clients in addressing complex regulatory issues and in dealing with examination report criticisms. On the retail banking side, he helps develop documentation for cutting-edge bank services to satisfy federal and state regulations in fields as varied as cybersecurity, BSA/AML compliance, and remote transaction security procedures. For over 40 years, he has been a leader in negotiating data processing contracts and core system conversions with almost every major data processing service provider. On the lending side, he negotiates and documents complex multi-national trade finance transactions as well as more conventional domestic commercial mortgage loans and commercial construction loans. 

He also supports other practice areas within the firm by bringing his extensive knowledge of banking transactions and banking law to the table when clients need assistance in matters involving money, finance, and securities transactions.

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