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Jay B. Abrams, ASA, MBA, CPA

Jay Abrams leads the team at Abrams Valuation Group Inc., an internationally recognized thought leader in the appraisal profession.  During his valuation career of over 30 years, Jay has published groundbreaking valuation books and articles and invented over 150 valuation formulas.  Many of the innovations were solutions to issues that arose in actual valuation projects. 

Jay has assembled a seasoned team of valuation experts with over 60 years of collective valuation experience.  With well over 1,000 appraisals completed, they have experience ranging from small start-ups to large multi-billion-dollar firms. 

Their approach combines comprehensive qualitative analysis of value drivers with advanced quantitative analytics that are firmly grounded in generally accepted valuation practice.  To learn more about what makes them special, see their Testimonials and Case Studies.

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