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Eric  Meyer, Esq.

You know that scientist in the action movie who has all the right answers if only the government would just pay attention?

If you want a nerdy employment-lawyer brain to help you solve HR-compliance issues proactively before the action sequence, Eric is here to help. Eric offers day-to-day employment counseling, workplace/wage-and-hour audits and investigations, and other prophylactic measures to keep your workplace working while you focus on running your business.

Even with the current COVID-19 pandemic, employers turn to Eric early and often (at all hours of the day) for advice to decipher the myriad federal, state, and local coronavirus laws that change the legal landscape and otherwise mitigate risk.  From time to time Eric hosts complimentary live chats on Facebook and other social media channels to educate HR on this one-in-a-lifetime workplace disruption. For more details on Eric’s live chats and for  free, daily email updates, consider subscribing to his blog, The Employer Handbook (www.TheEmployerHandbook.com) by clicking here.

When training is at the top of most employers’ lists, they regularly contact Eric for help too. Eric has testified before Philadelphia City Council and the Pennsylvania House Labor and Industry Committee to address harassment and sexual misconduct in the workplace. The United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has approved Eric to train your workforce from rank-and-file to the C-Suite, and he has presented four times at the EEOC’s EXCEL conference, the premier national training conference for federal and private sector EEO managers, supervisors, practitioners, HR professionals, attorneys and Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) specialists. Eric is also a frequent presented on the local and national HR circuit, including a MEGA SESSION at the most-recent SHRM Annual Conference & Exposition.

If you’d like more information about booking Eric to train your workforce, click here

An increasing part of Eric’s multi-faceted practice is helping parties get to “yes” through alternative dispute resolution.

For over a decade, Eric has mediated nothing but employment law matters as a go-to neutral for both employee-rights and management-side attorneys to resolve disputes for their clients. Eric is a volunteer mediator for the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, and court-appointed mediator in the federal court system. However, Eric is ready, willing, and able to resolve matters for parties that contact him directly. You can download a copy of Eric’s mediator CV by clicking here.

Additionally, Eric has designed a continuing legal education program to improve attorneys’ performance when representing their clients at employment law mediations. If you’d like to book Eric to present this training module, click here.

But, can Eric litigate employment law disputes? Is water wet?

In the courtroom, Eric brings all of his know-how to bear as your zealous advocate. Eric is a trial-tested, experienced litigator that has represented companies of all sizes in a veritable alphabet soup of employment law claims, such as the ADA, ADEA, CEPA, FMLA, FLSA, NJLAD, PHRA, Title VII, and USERRA. Among other successes, Eric obtained the first defense verdict in over a decade (in an employment case, or otherwise) from a federal civil jury sitting in Easton, PA. Eric has also prevailed at labor grievance arbitration.

Eric also helps clients litigate disputes involving restrictive covenants such as non-competition and non-solicitation agreements, as well as conflicts over use of trade secrets and other confidential information. Recently, Eric helped convince a state court to deny a plaintiff’s request for temporary restraints (preliminary injunction) to stop its former employee from working for a corporate client of the Firm.

In case you are wondering, Eric does sleep. But, not much.

Eric publishes The Employer Handbook (www.TheEmployerHandbook.com), an employment law blog for employers that the ABA Journal inducted into its Blawg100 Hall of Fame. (You can sign up to receive free, daily email updates from the blog by clicking here.) In addition to being a frequent presenter across the country on HR-compliance issues, among other outlets, Eric has been quoted in ABCNews.com, NBCSports.com, AMEX’s Small Business Open Forum, Inc. Magazine, Business Insurance, Entrepreneur, Law360, Mashable.com, The Wall Street Journal, and the British tabloids. Eric is also the Immediate Past President of the Pennsylvania Bar Association Labor & Employment Law Section.

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