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Click here to find out moreDr. Metin Celebi provides expertise in electricity markets and the analysis of environmental and climate policy.
He has testified and consulted primarily in the areas of electricity spot pricing and market design, and has experience in developing and analyzing climate policies, LMP modeling, generation plant valuation, and competitive implications of mergers.
Dr. Celebi wrote his PhD thesis on the analysis of incentives and regulation to provide transmission capacity in deregulated electricity markets. His recent engagements include estimating economic damages in energy contracts, valuations of coal-fired and gas-fired power plants, impacts of environmental regulations on power markets, cost/benefit assessment of RTO membership to electric utilities, and nodal pricing simulations in the US electric markets. He has provided testimony in regulatory cases involving the impact of coal plant retirements on wholesale energy prices, LMP simulations in PJM, and allocation of certain ancillary services costs among market participants in ERCOT.
Dr. Celebi is a frequent speaker at energy conferences on topics such as coal plant retirements and environmental policies.