Celesq® Presenters

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Douglas  Leonard

Doug Leonard has over 25 years of experience working with well-recognized domestic

and global company executives and many mid-size and smaller organizations.


Doug effectively partners with senior executives to develop strategies for improving

their individual performance and their teams' success. In addition, he works to

efficiently align operational business strategy with people strategy to maximize

organizational effectiveness and profitability. 


In addition to his corporate work, Doug has carved a unique niche in working with and

developing educational programs for lawyers on attorney discipline, ethics, well-being,

and leadership and cultivating an enhanced self-awareness. Hence, lawyers manage

themselves and others more effectively. 


Before his consulting career, Mr. Leonard gained extensive leadership and operational

experience in the private and public sectors holding executive positions in varied

organizations and industries ranging from hospital laboratory software development to

managing a large metropolitan court system.


Business Experience 

Behavioral Consultant/Executive Team Coach/Speaker: 

  • 25+ years of consulting experience
  • Evaluated thousands of behavioral profiles
  • Certified and SME in The Birkman Method®
  • Certified in Birkman Mindsets®
  • Certified in Conversational Intelligence®
  • Certified in Psychological Safety
  • Certified in iMap
  • Co-creator of the iMapMyTeam platform
  • Domestic and International business experience (29 countries)
  • Engagements in a wide range of industries
  • Public and private sector experience
  • Worked with clients with 10 to over 140,000 employees
  • Frequent speaker and presenter at national and regional conferences

Legal Experience

Law Firm, Trial Court, Mediation, Disciplinary Board: 

  • 3 years law firm administrator
  • 6+ years trial court administrator
  • Past President of the PA Court Administrators Assn.
  • Mediated child custody cases for two years
  • 8+ years as a member, deputy chair, and chair of the Pennsylvania
  • Disciplinary Board
  • Past Member of IWIL (Institute for Well-Being in the Law), formerly
  • The National Task Force on Lawyer Well-Being; and Member of Governance Committee
  • Founder of the PA Task Force for Well-Being in Law
  • Frequent speaker at local and state bar associations and related group


Programs by Douglas  Leonard.

There is a long overdue focus on wellness in the legal profession. Unfortunately, most attorneys, like most people, are still largely unaware of how their emotional life can impact their professional work. This lack of understanding can trigger probl...

Program Number
Program Date
Communication SkillsFederal CourtsFlorida EligibleHealth Care LawNegligence, Malpractice & Personal Injury
CaliforniaColoradoFloridaGeorgiaNew JerseyNew YorkTexas Self Study
Program Credits
Areas of Professional Practice:1.5 Credit
Total Credits
CLE Credit: 1.5

In today’s legal environment- fraught with all manner of pressures, disagreement, and inherent conflict born of an adversarial system, it is no surprise that lawyers often witness counterproductive behaviors in others and, if they are honest, i...

Program Number
Program Date
Communication SkillsCommunications and Media LawDispute ResolutionFederal CourtsPersonal Injury
CaliforniaColoradoGeorgiaNew JerseyNew YorkTexas Self Study
Program Credits
Areas of Professional Practice:1 Credit
Total Credits
CLE Credit: 1