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Charles R. Macedo, a physicist by training, practices in all areas of intellectual property law, including patent, trademark and copyright law, with a special emphasis in complex litigation and appellate work. Companies and individuals from a wide range of industries turn to him to develop offensive and defensive strategies for the development and enforcement of their patent and trademark portfolios.
Mr. Macedo is an experienced patent attorney who prepares and prosecuted patent applications at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office ("PTO"), litigates at the Patent Trial Appeal Board at the PTO, in district courts, at appellate courts including the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, and at the U.S. Supreme Court. He is currently the Co-Chair of the PTAB Committee at the New York Intellectual Property Law Association.
Mr. Macedo holds a J.D. from Columbia Law School and a B.S. and M.S. in Physics from the Catholic University of America. He was also a Law Clerk to the Hon. Daniel M. Friedman, at the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit.