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Celesq® Presenters

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Aaron  Crews, Esq.

As Littler's first chief data analytics officer, Aaron D. Crews brings an extensive background focused on the intersection of technology, business and the law. Aaron manages the operations of Littler’s data analytics practice and leads the development and implementation of technology-based solutions that provide value to the firm and its clients. He also uses data analytics tools to facilitate process improvements and efficiencies and assist in protocols for the secure handling of data. He also has extensive experience conducting pay equity audits for all types of employers, from start-ups to Fortune 50 companies, and helped develop the Littler Pay Equity Assessment™, including counseling employers on a broad range of state and federal issues related to pay equity, from compliance, to updating policies and job descriptions, to training managers and recruiters, and more. Aaron previously served as one of the firm's e-discovery counsel. In that capacity, he assisted with developing strategies for efficient and effective data harvesting, review and production, and implementing cost-shifting and cost-reduction strategies.

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