Overcoming Fear/Resistance Toward New Technology in a Generative AI Era

18 Oct , 2024

To register for the upcoming live webinar, please check back later.

Daily media messages about Generative AI flood our psyches lauding this new technology’s swiftness in generating written content: Write everything faster than the speed of sound! No wait, do it faster than the speed of light! Expedite! Fast-track! Accelerate! As legal writers, we might feel like we’re suddenly expected to generate all our written work at warp speed. But obviously, velocity doesn’t necessarily equate to quality. And if you’re—like me—a traditionally slow adopter of new technology, this pressure can feel dizzying or disorienting. This CLE will focus on how we can untangle our understandable fear or resistance toward this new technology, give ourselves permission to shake hands with it and introduce ourselves (slowly), and decelerate while we ease into basic (and non-stressful) use cases, before figuring out where it might fit (and not fit) into our day-to-day lawyering workflow. 

This presentation will offer—in an approachable tone and basic step-by-step approach for even the most reluctant adopters of new technology—a discussion of: 

what Generative AI is?

basic Generative AI vocabulary

an introduction to engaging with Generative AI in a Socratic-style dialogue

four new skills lawyers can learn in order to engage with Generative AI ethically and responsibly—on one’s own timeline and terms

potential ways to incorporate Generative AI into a legal writing workflow—without diluting our “writer identity”

suggested “starter” use cases for getting comfortable experimenting with Generative AI in litigation and transactional lawyering

interesting ways judges are using Generative AI

potential pitfalls to watch out for

how engaging with Generative AI might enhance our well-being as lawyers


To register for the upcoming live webinar, please check back later.

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