Exciting new series on “Voice, Body and Movement for Lawyers – How to connect with the jury and find Justice Through Dramatic Technique!”
Click here to find out moreMany malpractice cases filed against lawyers involve allegations of conflict of interest. As a matter of professional ethics, lawyers are prohibited from accepting (or continuing) representations where there is a conflict of interest.
This course will provide an overview of the conflict-of-interest rules, including discussion of Model Rules of Professional Conduct 1.7 and 1.9 and their New York counterparts. The course will then discuss the elements of malpractice claims and how they apply to allegations of ethical conflicts of interest, with a focus on defending against malpractice claims. Finally, we will discuss issues surrounding discovery of a firm’s conflicts clearing process and the internal discussions regarding potential conflicts, including best practices in a firm’s internal conflicts vetting process.
Learning Objectives: