Celesq® Programs

Roadblocks to Fatherhood: What is Due Process For A Father in Child Custody Cases?

Program Number
Program Date
CLE Credits

This program will discuss Father’s due process rights in a variety of factual scenarios including when the father is married to Mother, when the father is the lover of the mother married to another, when the unmarried Father is opposing an adoption. The program will benefit all Fathers and family law practitioners and friends and family of Fathers. 

  • Review Due Process Clause and 14th Amendment Clause
  • Discuss the unwed Father’s rights to paternity and custody of children whose Mother is married to another man
  • Discuss a father’s right to veto adoption
  • Identify court trends and future predictions of Parent’s rights

Available in States

  • California
  • Colorado
  • Florida
  • Georgia
  • New Jersey
  • New York
  • Texas Self Study

Program Categories

  • Family Law
  • Federal Courts
  • Florida Eligible


  • Areas of Professional Practice : 1 Credit