Exciting new series on “Voice, Body and Movement for Lawyers – How to connect with the jury and find Justice Through Dramatic Technique!”

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Programs are available online to all firms wishing to assist their attorneys in obtaining their CLE credits. Please email customer.care@celesq.com to obtain a coupon code for your firm. Once an attorney has completed a program, your firm will be billed $30 each for the cost of each certificate which will be issued as a download once the attorney has completed the affirmation for the particular program.


Almost all medical records are now required to be in electronic format to qualify for Medicare.  This presentation reviews the laws requiring EMR’s; the most widely used proprietary EMR programs and how they differ; the advantages and dra...

Program Number
Program Date
Computer, Internet & E-Commerce LawFederal CourtsHealth Care LawInformation TechnologyLitigation & Litigation SkillsLitigation and AppealsTechnology Law
CaliforniaColoradoGeorgiaNew JerseyNew YorkTexas Self Study
Program Credits
Areas of Professional Practice:1 Credit
Total Credits
CLE Credit: 1

This is a short summary of how New Jersey practice is similar to, and different from, practice in other states and in federal court. It is designed for attorneys who already practice elsewhere. Procedurally it will go over the terms and language spec...

Program Number
Program Date
Complex LitigationFederal CourtsLaw Practice ManagementLitigation & Litigation SkillsLitigation and AppealsState Specific Programs
CaliforniaColoradoGeorgiaNew JerseyNew YorkTexas Self Study
Program Credits
Areas of Professional Practice:1 Credit
Total Credits
CLE Credit: 1

Attorneys taking this one-hour course will learn:  How nursing homes are structured and regulated. Areas where they are liable and not liable. Liability of related entities involved in the care and treatment of a plaintiff. Common theories...

Program Number
Program Date
Elder LawFamily LawFederal CourtsHealth Care LawInsurance LawLitigation & Litigation SkillsLitigation and AppealsTrial Skills
CaliforniaColoradoGeorgiaNew JerseyNew YorkTexas Self Study
Program Credits
Areas of Professional Practice:1 Credit
Total Credits
CLE Credit: 1