Celesq® Programs

Foreign Extortion Prevention Act: What US Entities Should Know and Why It's Relevant Today

Program Number
Program Date
CLE Credits

The program is framed as a check in since the FEPA was enacted. Our proposed agenda is to start with a broad introduction to the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) and major FCPA litigation in order to contextualize FEPA and how FEPA fills gaps left by the pre-existing statutory framework. We’d then do an in-depth overview of the FEPA and its reach, review early enforcement actions (if any) discuss the recent amendments to FEPA, and wrap up with a discussion as to why FEPA is relevant to US entities / what steps should be taken to ensure compliance and where we are trending on foreign anti-corruption practices.

Available in States

  • California
  • Colorado
  • Florida
  • Georgia
  • New Jersey
  • New York
  • Texas Self Study

Program Categories

  • Business Organizations & Contracts
  • Complex Litigation
  • Federal Courts
  • Florida Eligible
  • International Law
  • International Law & Global Trade
  • Litigation & Litigation Skills
  • Litigation and Appeals


  • Areas of Professional Practice : 1 Credit