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Click here to find out moreBack in 2014, the IRS modified the streamlined filing procedures in order to accommodate a broader group of U.S. Taxpayers. These changes amount to the IRS's latest effort to promote tax compliance and to crack down on offshore tax evasion, which has been an agency priority for years.
Experts predict that these programs will ease the financial and legal pain for almost 6 million expatriate Americans who live and work abroad, many of whom were utterly naive about FBAR-reporting.
In this presentation, I'll discuss the FBAR; the FBAR-reporting regime; other international reporting forms besides the FBAR; major changes to the IRS streamlined procedures; what is its purpose and who is eligible for it; the two types of streamlined submissions; how to prepare a submission for each; traps for the unwary; frequently asked questions; the question of non-willfulness, what it means, and how to certify it; what is meant by a quiet disclosure; and practical and sound advice.