Exciting new series on “Voice, Body and Movement for Lawyers – How to connect with the jury and find Justice Through Dramatic Technique!”
Click here to find out moreWhile many 340B stakeholders hoped last year’s federal court decision in the Genesis case regarding the definition of a 340B-eligible “patient” would resolve ongoing uncertainty about when 340B covered entities can use discounted drugs purchased through the federal 340B Program, there has been a constant flow of 340B Program developments in the months since the decision and continued uncertainty for stakeholders.
This webinar will cover key evolving issues of importance to 340B covered entities, as well as other companies operating in the 340B space, including the current status of the definition of a 340B-eligible “patient,” ongoing litigation related to the use of 340B drugs in hospital “child sites” and through contract pharmacies, and recent legislative developments at the federal and state levels.
Attorneys participating in this webinar will gain the necessary knowledge to answer the following questions: