Ethical Issues With AI Use

10 Dec , 2024

To register for the upcoming live webinar, please Click Here

AI provides exciting opportunities for lawyers to supplement their legal expertise and complete tasks with greater efficiency. It is also fraught with ethical risks. For this reason, lawyers should exercise caution in entrusting tasks to AI and, if and when they do, scrutinize the work it produces. 

This ethics CLE will examine the relevant ABA Model Rules of Professional Conduct implicated by AI use. It will describe the opportunities afforded by AI, and how they intersect with critical rules of professional conduct including Rules 1.1, mandating that lawyers be competent in relevant technology, 5.3, requiring lawyers supervise those who report to them, 1.6, requiring that lawyers keep client confidences, and 1.4, providing standards governing how often and about what lawyers have to communicate with their clients. This program provides practical guidance about how to comply with your ethical obligations while reaping the benefits of AI.


To register for the upcoming live webinar, please Click Here

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