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Celesq® Programs

When Good Enough Isn’t Good Enough - Perfectionism in the Legal Profession

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CLE Credits

“Everyone tells me I’m doing a great job. My clients, my colleagues, my family. Why do I feel like I don’t measure up- that my work just isn’t that good?”If I ask for help, everyone will know the truth about me.” I’m ok. I can work this out for myself. 

Sound familiar? If so, you may be struggling with the perfectionism and self- doubt that has plagued members of the legal profession for years. When the pressure placed on lawyers externally to succeed is outweighed by the pressure lawyers place upon themselves, the impact on mental health can be devastating if left untreated. 

There is a misconception among lawyers that only people who have “hit bottom” need or ask for help. The statistics say otherwise as recent surveys indicate that the overwhelming majority of legal practitioners believe they have suffered negative mental health consequences as a result of their chosen profession. 

Recent studies have shown that there has been a dramatic increase in impairment due to alcoholism, addiction and mental health disorders among members of the legal profession. The statistics are compelling and clearly indicate that 1 out of 3 attorneys will likely have a need for substance use or mental health services at some point in their careers. 

Mr. Quinn will discuss: 

  • The early warning signs of distress and impairment due to substance misuse and mental health issues.
  • Perfectionism as both a commonplace and manageable condition among members of the legal profession.
  • Why legal professionals are at higher risk to develop mental health and substance use disorders. Strategies for a realistic work/life balance.
  • The free, confidential services provided by Lawyers Assistance Programs.

Available in States

  • California
  • Colorado
  • Florida
  • Georgia
  • New Jersey
  • New York
  • Texas Self Study

Program Categories

  • Federal Courts
  • Florida Eligible
  • Health Care Law
  • Mental health Awareness
  • Pharmaceutical Law
  • Substance Abuse
  • Substance Abuse & Bias


  • Mental Health Awareness : 1 Credit